The following are summaries of the work that I did for my Week 1 Labs.

Lab: components

I reviewed the list of components. I am most interested in the temperature and humidity sensor — I don't understand how it picks up this information and I would be interested to learn more about it in the future. I'm also excited to learn how to power LED lights in various combinations because I have a lot of creative ideas where this might be useful.

Lab: setting up a breadboard

Project 1: setting up the breadboard

Here, I had only put the regulator and the connector cables to a power source.

Here, I had only put the regulator and the connector cables to a power source.

The first activity was to set up a breadboard. I had trouble finding the 7805 regulators pieces that I needed and getting the correct cables in the Shop.

Project 2: powering the breadboard

There weren't the correct cables in the Shop to power the breadboard, so we used a voltage regulator and some alligator clamps in order to do so.

Here I had a connection to a soon-to-be power source through a power jack. However, because we didn't have the right cables, it was not the right solution.

Here I had a connection to a soon-to-be power source through a power jack. However, because we didn't have the right cables, it was not the right solution.

Here you can see the breadboard after I connected it to a voltage regulator via alligator clamps.

Here you can see the breadboard after I connected it to a voltage regulator via alligator clamps.

Project 3: will it light?

The third project was my first opportunity to work with LEDs on a breadboard. Powered through the alligator clamps connected to the voltage regulator, the yellow light turned on.

This is the set-up for the yellow LED bulb on the breadboard. The board is not powered and the light is not shining.

This is the set-up for the yellow LED bulb on the breadboard. The board is not powered and the light is not shining.

This is a photo of the breadboard with the power turned on and the yellow LED bulb shining.

This is a photo of the breadboard with the power turned on and the yellow LED bulb shining.

A video of power being turned on to power the breadboard and the yellow LED light turning on.

A video of power being turned on to power the breadboard and the yellow LED light turning on.

Lab: electronics