Brainstorming alone

When we were told that we would be working on a second project soon after the first, my first idea was to re-use the work that we had done for the first project. Two ideas came to mind as I brainstormed by myself before meeting with my group (made up of Jinny Kang and Francisco Navas):

Sine wave game

One idea that I had was to make a game where the knobs of our lockbox are controllers. The box would connect to p5.js. On the screen, three horizontal sine waves would be flowing at a certain frequency. The user increases/decreases their frequency, with tones playing to match. The goal of the game is... something to be determined. Maybe to hit a ball? Get the right frequencies to unlock something? The light goes off when you're correct. Maybe it's a heart monitor (get the frequency correct or else the person dies?)? Or maybe it's just like the Among Us task.


Another idea is to make an etch-a-sketch. Dial 1 would draw along the x-axis and dial 2 would draw along the y-axis. A third dial could possibly control line transparency or thickness. Perhaps a fourth dial would cycle through a color palette, but this could also be a button instead.

I also had the idea to add another button which would let the user cycle through cursor shapes (e.g. heart, star — like Zeal's group's project) but the decision to use this would depend on the chosen purpose of the project.

I also though that it would be nice to let the user break the drawing line if they wanted. This would go against the original functionality of the Etch-a-sketch, which drew in one continuous line. This is a design decision that we will have to consider: a lot of the reasons for the continuous line on an Etch-a-sketch had to do with realities of drawing with a magnetic piece; by using code, we can decide whether we want to keep this.

Finally, I thought it would be fun to include a "shaking" function when the user erases the sketch, to mimic the original Etch-a-sketch functionality. We might do this with a button to start (press button, sketch erases and box shakes), but perhaps we could instead include a motion sensor to allow the user to shake the box to do the erasing functionality.

Final addition — the reach idea — is to them send that drawing into the ML reader that that one group used for their Applications project so that the ML reader can try to identify what this is. One purpose is to solve the problem that people struggled to draw on their computer touchpads to use the ML software.

Brainstorming with group

During our first meeting as a group, we decided to use the Etch-a-sketch idea as a foundation then to build off of it. We settle on the following three options:

Plan A

Context: Make an Etch-a-sketch which connects to p5.js code.



This is the workflow that we plan for Plan A.

Some assumptions that we are making:


Plan B

Context: Make an Etch-a-sketch which connects to p5.js code. Add a game, for example prompts or “complete the picture”.

